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Karoline Lindgaard, kandidat til
Europa-Parlamentsvalget for Alternativet

Mine tre mærkesager

1. Højhastighedstoge og Europæisk CO2-afgift  

2. Økologisk EU uden giftige kemikalier

3. Et ligestillet EU uden diskrimination.

Karoline i nyhederne

An election campaign is much more than one candidate. It's a team. Everyone carries out different crucial tasks, from putting up posters to policy development.

Write or call if you want to be part of a campaign that fights for climate, environment, equality, anti-discrimination and young people in the EU.

Telephone number: +45 60 67 65 78 

ÅU Alternaitvet Alternativets Unge Unge politisk aktive klimatosser landsmøde

About the European Parliament elections

Who can I vote for in the European Parliament elections?
  • For the European Parliament elections on Sunday 9 June 2024, you can vote for any nominated candidate, regardless of whether they live in your municipality. So you can vote for me throughout Denmark.
  • Source:Ministry of the Interior and Health
When are the next European Parliament elections? 
Who can vote in the European Parliament elections?
  • Anyone who is 18 years old and has Danish citizenship

  • Citizens of one of the other member states of the EU who have reached the age for the right to vote for the Folketing (18 years) and have a permanent residence in Denmark (If you are a citizen of one of the other member states of the EU and have a permanent residence in Denmark, you must apply for inclusion on the electoral roll for the first time,click here to read more).
    Source:Ministry of the Interior and Health

Hvor stor en del af danske love kommer fra EU?
  • I alt udgør cirka 54% af alt dansk ret implementeret EU-lovgivning. Det indebærer både EU-forordninger og EU-direktiver. EU-forordninger er love, som gælder direkte i alle EU-medlemslande. EU-direktiver indføres med større frihed af medlemslandet. EU-direktivet er et fælles mål, som opnås gennem individuelle love i EU-landene. 
    Kilde: Tænketanken Europa samt EU-oplysningen.
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